When Grief Comes Knocking

When Grief comes knocking, answer the door. Let her in.

Let her tell you all that was lost. Let her remind you how marvelous it was. Let her paint your memories in slow motion, let her sing your story with a cello. Let her teach you gratefulness and how to pay attention.Do not turn her away at the door. If you do, she will come back again knocking.

Let her speak her piece. Let her do her work, cleansing you of your tears. Then send her on her way. Then you can sleep through the night without waking from her tapping.

When Anger comes pounding, do not try to convince him that he has no right. Open the door and let him roar. Roar back. Roar together. Let Anger have his moment, his voice. Listen to him, and be changed. Let him teach you about justice, and let him remind you of the difference between how things are and how they should be.

For if you don’t, he will rage at the door all hours of the night. And you may think that it’s someone you love who is causing your unrest. Anger will not leave until you hear him. So let him in; reason with him. Then open the door and send him on his way.

When Disappointment comes ringing the bell, invite her inside, and listen carefully. She will be a guide to reveal the secrets of your heart. To listen to Disappointment is to listen to your own dreams. She will show you the things you wish for, but don’t yet have the courage to ask.

Do not turn her away, or she will be scratching at your windows. She will be ever-whispering. Let her say what she will, and she will leave you when her work is done.

Though they are not pleasant guests, these visitors come with gifts. Let them do their work. And once they have done it, open the door again, and say goodbye. And don’t forget to smile and thank them for coming.

Nightbirde aka Jane Marczewski

Pre-Order the Collectors CD for Nightbirde’s Debut Album It’s OK HERE or Digitally on iTunes coming out 3/10

Photo by: Jaqueline Day